Friday, October 20, 2006

some new poems

I have been in a creative mood lately. Maybe I am pulling out of the low grade depression I've been in since Bill went to school. One can only hope, anyway!

This first one is just for fun. My sister-in-law writes poems like this sometimes, and this is the first time I have tried it. Composing it made me laugh!

Detroit Tigers

Dismal, dreary news daily

Economic ruin

Tradesman jobs lost - so many so many

Running out of options

Oh - so sad - so sad

In this border city

That has been so down for so long


Tigers begin winning

Involving our hearts

Gleeful, giggly, goofy fun!

Even losers can become champions!

Rock on boys!!

Sweet partying for everyone!

These others are inspired by places I have seen on vacations.

Dinosaur Bones at Rabbit Valley, Colorado

Embedded in the ancient rocks beside the trail,

Under the desert sun in a sere place

Where the heat sucks the air out of your lungs.

Remnants of a long destroyed world,

Hints of long extinguished life,

Found where only little green lizards

And curious tourists

Now walk.

Historic Wharfs at Salem, Massachusetts

Empty, quiet, lonely.

Where have your ships gone?

Where are your longshoremen and merchants?

A forgotten place, once bustling.

Zion National Park in the Summertime

Standing room only on the busses

Entire tour groups heading up the Virgin River Narrows.

Extended family groups eating ice cream on the Lodge's lawns.

Where is the wilderness?

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