Sunday, October 18, 2009

another year

Turned 45 recently. Spent a quiet day at home with Dan and the kids. We went out to Bone Heads Bar-B-Que restaurant in Willis for dinner, then came home for cake and ice cream.

Pleasant day.

Bill and I had what the doctors think was the swine flu last week. He had it much worse than I did, but we are both doing OK now.

I just had a week off from work, which I spent watching Steven play soccer (he plays varsity for his high school), playing a lot of games on Facebook, running errands, and getting as much rest as humanly possible. Tomorrow is the last day day off, and Dan and I want to go to a park or a botanical garden or arboretum, and go for a walk in the beautiful autumn woods.

Friday, October 2, 2009

autumn daze

It is cold, dark, and rainy today. The power was out for at least a couple of hours this morning, leaving me without lights or running water or heat. Today would be a perfect day to curl up in bed or on the couch with a stack of good books, a bottomless mug of hot chocolate, and a pile of blankets to snuggle underneath.

Alas, tonight is a work day.