Friday, January 12, 2007

what a raw night!

Drizzle. High wind gusts. Cold, but not quite cold enough for the drizzle to freeze (yet).

Got home a few minutes ago. The dog must have had a good night, as he had not peed all over the floor. Then again, Dan asked one of his buddies to drop by tonight and Tuesday night to let him out while I am at work. I let the dog out, then fed all of the critters.

The only meal I got today was breakfast, so I think I will be going upstairs in a few minutes and making a simple meal, such as soup. And maybe I will drink a glass or two of wine. I have been taking lots and lots of naprosyn this week, and I know that it cannot be good for my already messed up innards. So maybe wine can relax my back muscles and help me go to sleep.

Another horrible night at work. I am really glad to get a break. I am really starting to burn out.

And yes - tomorrow after my errands are done I plan on taking a nice long hot bubble bath!

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