Monday, January 29, 2007

went to the doctor

Went to the doctor and also had some x-rays taken of the stooooopid knee. They have decided (for now) to try to treat it with naprosyn and physical therapy. As soon as I drag my butt upstairs, I will call the physical therapy people for an appointment. The doctor told me not to go in to work tonight, so one more night of wrapping up the knee in a heating pad and relaxing. I can try to go in to work tomorrow, as long as I take naprosyn first.

And the doctor freaked out when I mentioned the DES exposure. That can never be a good thing!

My dear friend who moved out to Vegas will be back soon - He and his wife will be hosting a brunch on a Saturday morning in early February. I cannot wait to see them!

No matter how much the knee hurts, being able to see them will give me something to look forward to. Actually, rather than a slacker list, here is a different list today:

list of things to look forward to:

Detroit Symphony Orchestra concert this Friday

brunch with John and Barb

chocolate and flowers for Valentine's Day

going to a play with Dan, followed by going out for Chinese food on Chinese New Year's

Polish jelly donuts on Fat Tuesday!

getting new glasses

getting physical therapy so this darned knee feels better!



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