Saturday, January 13, 2007

sleepy afternoon

Have been doing house work all afternoon. I think I will force myself to read another 100 pages of Midnight Tides, then cut up veggies for the next couple of dinners, then spend the evening watching some movies. All with breaks for laundry and letting the dog out, of course. Do not know how much more productive work I can accomplish today, though, as I am very sleepy today. Actually, maybe I should skip Midnight Tides until bedtime, as it always puts me to sleep.

Today's slacker list:

put away the six loads of clean laundry from a few days ago

two new loads of laundry

sorted out the junk mail - two large garbage bags full!

took four bags of garbage out to the garbage cans outside

load of dishes - all of the dirty ones - cleaned the sink with bleach

I have talked to Dan a couple of times. Bill made it safely out there last night, but might not have packed enough clothing. Dan drove Steven up the coast while on their way to LAX to get Bill. It was a sunny but chilly day. They were on their way to my favorite LA area restaurant for dinner - Gladstones for Fish on Malibu Beach.


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