Friday, January 19, 2007

am I a mutant?

I got this weird email from one of my sisters today, telling me that our mother had taken some funky drug to prevent miscarriage when she was pregnant with me, a drug which is now banned for that purpose, and now I am at risk to get some sort of bizarre vaginal cancer normal people do not usually get.

My first reaction was: OK - you guys all had 42 years to tell me this -including when I got married and had children of my own (with no funky drugs during my pregnancies, thank you very much!). So why did you wait so long to tell me?????

At the same time, I am glad that she did tell me, for obvious reasons. Normal exams do not catch the weird cancer.

It is about time for my annual gyn exam and mammogram, so I will probably call my doctor's office tomorrow, and explain that as well as a normal pap test I need a special vaginal quadrant pap test for women exposed to DES while their mothers were pregnant with them. And then make the appointment and get it over with Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes I hate them normally. Now I will have even more reasons to hate them. Well, the mammogram is OK, but I hate the gyn exams. More Razz More Razz More Razz More Razz More Razz More Razz More Razz

Families. Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Why the hell keep stuff like that to themselves and not bother telling the person it effects? Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes
Rolling Eyes

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