Friday, January 5, 2007

the past week

The past week was fairly exhausting. Dan and the kids got sick with a tummy bug New Year's night and the day after. Thankfully, it was just a 24 hour bug rather than that horrid Norwalk Virus we got last year. I had diarrhea, but I have that so often, who even know if it was the tummy bug or just stress at work? I've had diarrhea all week, so probably the latter...

Work remains busy - we are full and have many very sick patients.

I am exhausted today. My Jeep is in the shop for a couple of repairs and a recall, so I am spending a day quietly at home. I know I should be doing housework, but I am so very tired. I cannot even read, I keep nodding off over the book...

Tomorrow all of the holiday decorations will be taken down and packed away. Steven and I shall do that. Then Bill can carry the trunks of decorations down to the basement. That way the work is split among all of us...

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