Sunday, March 26, 2006

senior year varsity banquet

This afternoon was Bill's senior year varsity wrestling banquet. Needless to say, I attended, even though it meant I had to go in late to work. It was good seeing that core group of seniors together one last afternoon. Those kids had gone through hell in a hand basket together with the coaching changes and everything else. And they all handled it with so much class, so well. A great group of kids, just great.  I hope they will still get together from time to time, as they spent so many years together and achieved so much under so much adversity. They gave each of the seniors a poster sized portrait of him in action on the mat. Bill's is great, with him going head to head with an all-stater from Airport. I will have to hang it soon.

I'm not quite sure why, but I am very tired today. Luckily, work is fairly quiet. Then again, if it becomes busy, maybe I will get energized.

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