Thursday, December 15, 2005

winter mix; food with friends; work related nightmare

Drove home tonight in a nasty winter mix. You'd be driving along and it would be snowing, a little while later it would be hailing, then snowing again, then sleeting, then hailing, then the dreaded freezing rain, etc. Since its supposed to settle down sometime tonight or tomorrow morning and give us another half foot of snow on top of whatever it does tonight, I am thinking that the kids might not have school again tomorrow. Since Bill is now coming down with the cold thing, that might be good.

Dan is still sick with the cold. He was home most of the day, though he did help carry in the groceries, for which I am very thankful. I just want the man to start feeling better. He doesn't get ill often, and it is usually a pretty miserable time for him when he gets sick.

The worst fear and nightmare of my life would be something bad happening to one or both of my children. One of the worst of the lesser nightmares is working at my job until the day I die. That just happened to someone at the hospital where I work. He had something like forty years on the job and never called in sick. One day last week he called in. The next day he didn't call and didn't show up. The people on the nursing unit where he worked were very alarmed and called the local police to go check his home and the police found him dead. Oh, Lord. I hope I get at least a few months of good health to travel and enjoy life before I die. I do not want to work for the government until the day I pass away!

Had a great potluck party with friends tonight. Homemade Mexican food, with homemade dips and main course dishes (like black bean enchiladas). Oh, the food was so good. I ate way too much! We are thinking of having another potluck party next week, also on Wednesday, to celebrate the holidays.


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