Friday, December 30, 2005

more college application stuff

Today is being spent on helping out Bill with various college application materials. It seems like these forms are never going to end.

He got the final touches on his latest (and hopefully last) batch of stuff for Northwestern this morning and Dan took them off to the post office. I really liked one of his long essays - it was about a mistake he made and how it has changed his life. He wrote about wrecking his truck on the freeway, and how he had been paying attention to the music rather than the road. He spoke of how he has learned that life is fragile and can be very easily lost in one abrupt moment.

So all of the regular admissions materials are out of here for the colleges he chose to apply to. But there are still plenty of forms left!

Still on the agenda:

* contacting Western Michigan University and saying "Yes! I want a chance to compete for the full ride scholarship! And while I'm at it, can I please tour your engineering school and sit in on a class?"

* filling out the in-depth application and writing the essay for Ball State University School of Architecture ~ and putting together his portfolio (I can help him that, printing out some of the photos he took in France and New York City last summer on our photo printer)

* filling out the forms to send to Ball State for a chance to compete for additional scholarships ~ they have offered him half off of his tuition for four years, these would be on top of that, up to a full ride

He is worn out and not feeling well today, so I sent him off for a nap, poor kid. I know how he feels, and as soon as he gets up, I'm going to go lie down for my nap!

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