Monday, December 5, 2005

another busy weekend

Well, it was another busy weekend. Friday I wasn't feeling so hot, but managed to go grocery shopping. Made dinner when everyone got home. Watched a great little movie, a nature documentary, called March of the Penguins with Steven. We both loved it, and the extras on the dvd, showing what they went through to film it and scientists attaching a camera to the back of a wild penguin to see what it did when it dives under the ice were really cool as well.

Saturday Dan headed to Dundee with Steven. I wasn't feeling very well, but headed down to Blissfield in the early afternoon to join Bill. I got there and discovered no one had brought any drinks for the kids. So I headed right out, found the town's grocery store, and bought a bunch of bottled water and athletic drinks. I also bought some plastic dish pans and bags of ice to put the drinks in and try to get them cold. The poor kids were very thirsty and all immediately started drinking water.

Enjoyed Blissfield, It's a well run tournament in a pretty little town and Bill always wrestles well there. He has now earned a medal there in all four years of high school.

It snowed Saturday night. I do not know if they are related, but my work called at 7AM this morning and wanted me to come in and work a double because half of day shift had called in. The ones who called in sick are people who do not call in sick very often, so they probably really are sick, as opposed to just "snow wimps".  I'm still not feeling well today, so only went in and worked my own shift. It was very quiet, or I do not know if I could have made it through the entire shift.

One of my friends told me that he thinks someone was killed on his road last night or this morning. His road was very icy from the snow. He said someone wiped out and hit a big tree head on with their car. The hood was smashed back into the car and the air bags had deployed. When he stopped to make sure no one was trapped in the car in the cold (something you have to do if you live in the country - if someone is trapped in a wreck they could freeze to death rather rapidly) he said no one was in the car, but there was blood everywhere.

One good thing about being woken up from a deep sleep (if you can even say that about such a rotten thing) was that I had some time to read some more of my history book about France. I have been reading that book for months now. But I managed to make it all the way from Napoleon III to World war I this morning. I did well.

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