Friday, December 16, 2005

another white knuckle drive; end of the week

Last night Dan got woke up about the time I got home. The sinus drainage and his cold woke him up, and he felt better sitting up than lying down, so I stayed up as long as I could to keep him company and make him hot drinks like hot apple cider. I got to bed about 3AM or so. Then I got back up at 6AM to keep a watch on poor Bill, who was running that high fever. So I was pretty tired today and had a rough night at work because of it. I have no ambitions tonight other than taking a hot shower and sleeping for as many hours as I can.

We got a bunch of snow. It is beautiful beyond description on the pines and on the bare deciduous trees. The piles on the edges of the drive at work are taller than me, they are about waist high here at the edges of the driveway at home. Pretty deep for this early in the winter. Awful to drive in. But it is so lovely to look at! Both breathtakingly beautiful and potentially dangerous, like a tall and handsome man with distinguished silvered hair and bright blue eyes...

The drive home tonight was another white knuckle drive. The roads were so shiny you couldn't tell until you stepped on your brakes if it was water on the road or ice. It was ice on the bridges, and the morning commute might be bad.

I am so glad to not have to work tomorrow. I need some sleep. I hope with all my heart that my poor sick ones will feel better, too.

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