Wednesday, December 14, 2005

midweek busyness

The kids were feeling much better today, though Dan had to pound on their doors and yell this morning to get them up and out of bed. The bit of extra sleep this morning probably helped them, I would think. Dan himself is still pretty sick. The cold has moved down into his chest and he has a nasty cough (please don't let me get it, please don't let me get it - it would get my asthma going and I would end up very sick indeed). Poor guy actually took a day off from work, which he might do once a year if that! I had to run up to the store and get him cold medicine and cough drops. And I made him lots of hot tea.  He was pretty miserable. But with the next snowstorm due to come in tomorrow night, it's probably good he took the day off. He works insane numbers of hours doing snow removal after a storm.

I still have a nagging headache, but made it into work tonight. In fact, this week I have been training a new person. Luckily, she is friendly and bright and willing to work, so it is a true joy working with her. She is going to be a gem of an employee.

I made it up to the store to get tape (for wrapping gifts) and bird food (the finches are going through about five pounds of seed every couple of days so this time I didn't mess around - I bought forty pounds of seed) and dog food. I didn't want to be out of the house for long with Dan not feeling well, so I will have to do a quick grocery run tomorrow for milk and bread. Hopefully that will be quick, and I can start wrapping gifts.

My silly older son decided yesterday to apply to Northwestern after all. So next week when he is on school break, he will have to write a bunch more admissions essays (like Michigan, Northwestern requires three essays), as well as working on his portfolio and application (and essay) to Ball State's College of Architecture. It will certainly keep him busy while he is on school break! I will be the picture printer for the portfolio (he will be using some of his pictures from France and New York City) and his proofreader for the various essays.

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