Monday, March 19, 2007

smile - the good news

Today while I was working, and Bill was frantically doing his laundry before driving back to school, Dan took Steven up to Clarkston (what is it with Clarkston and all of these big tournaments for middle school aged kids this spring???) for the regionals of another of his wrestling leagues - MYWAY.

I will be honest and say that I did not want Steven to even go. He has that nasty cold, and that deep cough has me worried about him and his asthma.

But he went, and even though he is sick, he still came in third, so will be going to another state championship tournament.

Unfortunately, that will be on another work day for me, so I will not be able to watch him wrestle in the MYWAY state meet, either. I missed him in the MMWA state meet, and now will miss him in the MYWAY state meet.

Good employee...rotten mom...

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