Friday, March 16, 2007

physical therapy is done!

Got up this morning nice and early, as I had hoped. I had wanted to eat a leisurely breakfast with the kids and take my time getting ready before going into Ann Arbor for my last physical therapy appointment. I made the mistake of looking out the window after going to the bathroom. The ground and all of the trees were coated with about an inch of fresh snow. I thought to myself:


and immediately went back to bed and burrowed under my thousand blankets. And then, as soon as I felt warm, I fell asleep even though I had not planned on going to sleep. I woke up less than an hour before my appointment time, and did I ever have to hurry to get there in time!

So I have several exercises to perform regularly at home to continue to get my legs and butt and hips stronger to counteract the knee. One group of them is done either lying down or sitting down with weights attached to my ankles. Those are easier and do not hurt, so I figure I will do them on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. The other group is done either standing or involving stairs, and they are harder and hurt. I will do those on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Hopefully I will have time to do other things if I break them up like that - like getting back to my slacker list and trying to get the house clean again after how trashed it has gotten while I have been hurt and sick.

I am remarkably tired today. I am really looking forward to getting to bed and burrowing under my thousand blankets and feeling warm and going to sleep. I told the kids this afternoon to let me sleep as long as possible tomorrow, as I am exhausted.

Tomorrow, like last Friday, will be consumed by errands. I will try to sneak a nap in there somewhere, though!

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