Saturday, February 4, 2006

turning into a rotten day

It had been a nice day here at home with Steven. We were at peace, and watched the huge snowflakes fall this afternoon. We built a huge warm fire for the cats and the dog to bask beside.

Then Dan and Bill got home from Battle Creek. They had to leave because they were both so sick. They threw up in garbage bags all the way home and they had diarrhea, too. And they've been sick ever since they got here. Lord, they can't even keep water down.

I had finished watching a good, though very gross movie right before they got home while Steven was downstairs. I'm glad that was done before they got home! It was one I had been wanting to see since our weekend in Evanston. Steven and I had seen the man eating lions at the Field Museum, and so I watched the movie about them, called Ghost and the Darkness. The two lions killed and ate humans like foxes would go after chickens in a hen coop. Not anything someone already throwing up needs to see!

The snow changed back over to winter mix, and though it rained/snowed/mixed all day long, we ended up without really any ground cover...

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