Thursday, September 22, 2005

Last day of the work week. One more night to go, and then I will be free for two days. This cold is starting to kick my butt, so I will be glad to have the time off.

Hearing more stories about New Orleans from the people who were deployed down there has been very distressing, especially about body recovery. Not all of the bodies they've been finding were victims of the storm. Some of the people were murdered. Some were raped and murdered, and their bodies concealed in piles of garbage. At least one of those was a child. May God hold the victims' souls close and give them great healing. And may those who could take advantage of such a tragic situation to commit rape and murder someday be brought to justice. There can be no words strong enough to express my disgust for the behavior of such people.

But for every person who did monstrous acts, there are numberless - countless - individuals who have stepped forward to serve and help the storm victims. There is evil in the world, but there is a lot more love, a lot more kindness. Most people are good, are loving, are generous, and kind.

And with hurricane Rita -- even stronger than Katrina -- coming to landfall in the next two days -- there will be a great need for that love, that kindness.

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