Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Well, we're getting more (3-4) inches of snow tonight, followed by hours of freezing rain in the morning. I hope I can make it into work tomorrow -- snow I can handle, but ice is horrible for driving!

I also hope we keep our power. Its not so bad to lose it in the summer, but during the winter it is horrid, especially trying to keep the house somewhat warm! So far the record in the new house is four days in the winter, and that was before we got a generator. I still remember how cold it was with horror. I do not know how people who live on the street can stand the cold in places like Detroit and Chicago.It would just drain your will to live after awhile!

I did get my first spring flower catalog in the mail today. I will have to look at it tomorrow when the freezing rain comes down, and perhaps even order a few plants to be delivered when spring comes.

This will be a very busy weekend. Bill has a tournament in Canton on Saturday. Steven will have one in Montrose on Sunday (I will miss that one because of work). Then they will make up the Monroe Sherriff's Tournament on Monday, which is Martin Luther King Day, so my precious holiday off from work will be spent in a noisy, stinky gymnasium. The kids have a half day on Friday, too, so I probably won't be able to get enough sleep this weekend, and I hope I won't be grouchy as a result!

I'll probably be in a horrid mood no matter what, actually. This weekend will be the one year anniversary of my father's death and funeral. I get upset just thinking about it.

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