Tuesday, January 4, 2005

Well, the weather has certainly been interesting this winter. We had that big snowfall right before Christmas, then it got really warm and rained for a few days, so all of that snow was gone before New Year's. It has been raining all day, will switch over to freezing rain sometime tonight, then we will get another snowstorm on Wednesday.

Having talked to Dan and to my buddy Fist, the summertime visit to New York is on. I will take a week off, and we will spend the first part of the week with Fist and his family in New York, then spend the second part of the week at the Delaware Water Gap, an area where Dan has wanted to take me for 22 years (simply because he thinks its pretty). It's all a very nice gift from Dan.

These days I am keeping busy by trying to get the house cleaner by day, and working by night. And trying to catch up on my reading in the spare bits of time. I am pleased with Barr's Blood Lure, and am glad I have three more books in that mystery series standing by awaiting their turns. Keeps my mind off of other, unhappier things...

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