Thursday, August 24, 2006

rough day

Today was a sort of rough day.

Steven has stayed up most of the night reading the book we bought yesterday. So he was very tired (kept falling asleep no matter how hard he tried to stay awake) and was really grouchy as well. So that sure didn't make for a fun time.

I was on the phone with the mutual fund people for a long time this morning while I was still half asleep. I have three mutual funds for both kids, and I have squirreled away money for years. I closed one of Bill's and the money was just enough to cover his university fees for the rest of the year after all of his scholarships are applied to his account. So that money will be wired to our bank, and we can pay Ball State. So that at least went very well.

The dog no longer had diarrhea, but he sure had farts this morning that would wake the dead.

Oh, and Bill is very worried because he has little money right now, and he has to buy a bunch more textbooks and a bunch more art supplies. Being only 17, he cannot have a checking account or an ATM card. So we will have to take some money out of his savings account up here and deposit it in his bank in Indiana (which also has a branch in Ann Arbor) so he can take the money out to buy the books and supplies. What a pain in the rear.

On the other hand, everyone is healthy (even if they are tired and grumpy) and hopefully tomorrow will go a bit more smoothly.


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