Friday, August 4, 2006

glorious cool night!

The cold front finally came through with a bunch of storms this morning. Oh, what a blessed relief!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I spent the morning working on school work with Steven, then spent the afternoon before work at the doctor's office with Bill. He was getting his pre-college physical. Poor kid had to get three shots - his tetanus booster and two that the college wanted him to get which are not required for public school students in this state - meningococcal and hepatitis A. I realized later I should have gotten him a pneumovax too, but maybe I can get him one at Christmas with his second hepatitis A shot, and maybe a flu shot as well. Anyway, Bill is doing very well. The doctor is very happy with his post-wrestling weight gain, and says he is the perfect weight for his height. The doctor reassured him that the jitters he is experiencing right now are perfectly normal for someone about to have a major life change.

I will mail the forms off to the university's health services tomorrow, and then there is only the packing and moving. Even though he is anxious right now, I think that Bill will be very happy as soon as he has made the initial adjustments.

It is a glorious night. I drove home with the windows down and let the wind blow in my long hair. It is about 65 degrees, simply lovely!  If Dan were still awake I would drag him out on the deck to dance with me in the glorious cool air!

It is the weekend now! And tomorrow night we will be able to go to the Tigers game! Life is very good today!

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