Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Lost my temper today...as usual when that happens, I am not proud of myself...
I must work on trying to be more patient with others... :(
Bill is feeling a lot better. One of the other kids on the team got a concussion late last week, and Bill is trying to help him through it. Today he is staying after school to tutor another kid in one of his classes...I am so blessed in Bill. At 15 he is more mature and reliable and thoughtful than many adults...everytime I think that it

is not possible to be prouder of him, he always finds a way to prove me wrong...

Poor Dan now has the coughing thing, just as Bill and I are getting better (we've both had it since mid-December). I hope he doesn't have it as long as we did...and I am petty and selfish enough to hope he doesn't give it back to me or the kids.... :(
Get better soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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