Saturday, January 24, 2004

are the journals working yet today?
The journals have been down for a few days now...I would like to thank my coworkers and friends who not only contributed a huge basket of plants to my father's memorial service, but who took good care of me Wednesday and Thursday nights, and made sure that I ate, and provided food for me to eat. I am truly blessed by them, as are the patients who come to our hospital...truly good and caring people...
I have trying to keep as busy as can be since coming home from TN...yesterday I washed five loads of laundry, and sorted ten and put them all away. Today several more loads, grocery shopping, and finally packing away the holiday decorations.
Today is our Milan jv/middle school tournament, and I usually help out, but Dan did not volunteer me this year...he thought I would be better off sitting it out, and I agree. So I am home with my housework and my little son, who has been giving me dozens of hugs daily

since my father passed.
My one big breakdown (so far) came when I was unpacking the bags of clothes (my sister gave us most of the clothes Dad had with him at the rehab center). I came across one of his favorite shirts, that said Proud Grandpa of a Wrestler, and dissolved into tears.

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