Friday, January 9, 2004

Got another day home with my little sweetie today, as the original eye was better, but it spread to the other eye. Today would have been his season opener in a scrimage against Lincoln, and he would have had three matches, but he didn't wrestle so as not to infect other children.
Today was a first as far as I know...the high school coach withdrew the team from tomorrow's tournament. There are many injured or sick kids, and there would have been many voids...this way perhaps some of the kids can get

a bit of extra rest and heal.
The coach also said that Dan has been telling him and Bill that Bill might not ever make a full recovery from his concussion, and might never be the same. God, that pisses me off. The docs at UM said he would be fine in about two months...Dan needs to keep his mouth shut, especially to Bill! I know it is Dan's fear talking, but how will this help his son? GRRRRRRRRR

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