Sunday, April 20, 2008

very busy days off!

Well, we worked our butts off on the days  I was off from work.

On Friday Bill came home, and got to lift a lot of heavy bags of garden dirt for his trouble. I had bought hundreds of bulbs last fall and could not plant them because of the nasty infection I got on my finger. So I went through them and most were still alive - sprouting, in fact! So we decided we had to get them into the ground ASAP so that they could live.

On Saturday we moved heavy furniture around from room and room and cleaned for hours. It was awful. But we got everything done that we wanted to get done.

We also found out that Dan's stepmother had a stroke, but that she is doing OK.

And on Saturday night Dan and I went to that amazing jazz concert!

How come I have a bad feeling about being tired at work this week?


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