Sunday, April 20, 2008

finally a book reviewer who tells it like it is!

And a reviewer from a major publication finally tells it like it is!!!!

From Publisher's Weekly on the upcoming Laurell K. Hamilton Anita Blake novel Blood Noir:
Blood Noir
Laurell K. Hamilton Berkley, $25.95 (352p) ISBN 978-0-425-22219-5

The florid 16th Anita Blake novel (after 2007's The Harlequin) updates Anita's endlessly erotic adventures as a living vampire with many weird lovers. Anita serves her vampire sweetie Jean-Claude, Master of the City of St. Louis, obsessed with feeding him and her own need to leech off of others' sexual pleasure or “ardeur” while retaining her rep as vampire executioner (despite the seeming conflict of interest), U.S. marshal and necromancer. She's also accompanying her bed-buddy Jason Schuyler to visit his dying estranged father in North Carolina. After arriving, Jason's mistaken for his rich cousin Keith Summerland, who's ditched his bride-to-be to run off with the wife of a vampire Master, giving Anita a case to solve between wild orgies with wereanimals. Hamilton chronicles Anita's escapades with a growing air of ennui, which longtime readers can't help sharing as sex increasingly takes the place of plot and character development. (June)


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