Friday, April 6, 2007

thank God it is the weekend

After a really quiet and dare I say pleasant week at work, tonight was just awful. Doesn't that just figure? It was super busy. But I kicked out the work like no tomorrow, and did everything quickly and accurately and even caught some mistakes the pharmacists made. So I kicked butt and took no prisoners, and it is over now, and I can go to sleep as soon as I work some of the stress and hyperness out of my system.

The hot shower I will be taking in a few minutes should help with that.

I got home and Bill was here, so tomorrow will be a good and happy day!

Maybe my sinuses will even feel better!

It was so cold and nasty out today that they cancelled the baseball game. It was lightly snowing and very windy again (I could hear the wind roaring all day) and even colder than yesterday - highs in the twenties with daytime wind chills in the single digits. No one could safely play ball in this weather - or sit in an open air stadium and watch the game, either. I think that they made the right decision and saved some people some injuries and frost bite.

All of my poor spring flowers have been blown flat by the wind and killed by the cold.

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