Friday, November 24, 2006

beautiful day!

The freezing fog lifted this morning and turned into a lovely early winter day. It was crisp and cool and clear and sunny.

The kids brought the Christmas trunks up from the basement and put up the artificial tree for me. In a few minutes I am going to go upstairs and decorate it, as well as drink some hot chocolate. In the meantime, Dan hung the icicle lights from the gutters on the front of the house and I put some net lights on the bushes both in front and behind the house. They look gorgeous.

It is so good having three of the people I care about most in all of the world home with me.

Tomorrow the fellows will be going to a wrestling tournament. I will have the house to myself, and will listen to very loud classical music a lot of the day, as well as allowing myself the rare luxury (due to lack of time) of a long hot bubble bath.

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