Friday, November 17, 2006

another relaxing day

Last night a tree came down in our yard. Thankfully, it did not do anything to the electrical lines. But it did take out the phone line. So we were without land phone and Internet access for most of the day. The phone company came by in the afternoon and made a temporary fix, running a line on the ground between the pole and the house. Sometime in the next couple of weeks they will come back and do a permanent fix by burying the line and taking care of the tree, which is messing with the telephone pole.

Steven and I spent the day quietly home schooling.

Tonight he had wrestling practice at UM, and Dan and i went to the Cherry Blossom Japanese restaurant. The service was great and the food was wonderful.

Tonight Dan and I watched the dvd of Munich. Brilliantly made movie, but very depressing.

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