Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Dismal and dreary day. It was cloudy, misty, drizzly, and chilly. I got home from work and made a fire downstairs to take off the chill for the cats and the dog, who sleep down here. We haven't turned the heat on yet, because it is reportedly going to cost so much to heat the house with natural gas this year. It's fine at night, when we are under a hundred blankets. It's been cold during the day while we are up and about in the house, though. And one of the cats, Bud, the one with sleek fur, has looked sort of puffed up the last couple of days, like he's cold. So a fire it is, tonight.

Today was a holiday, and as is so often the case, I went in to work. Double time is nice, but being at home with your children is a lot nicer. Especially if you know that any day you could be sent away for two weeks...

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