Sunday, April 16, 2006

Easter Sunday


Happy Easter!

This morning we had a quiet and delicious breakfast at home. We did indeed have breakfast burritos, as well as pastries. Since it turned cool and cloudy overnight, we ate inside. Afterwards, I spent the morning with the kids, and Dan spent most of the day in bed. He just can't seem to shake the bad cold.

I am at work now; a very quiet night, though the emergency room is said to be packed with patients tonight. Hopefully it will remain quiet.

I finished reading a book series about vampires by Laurell K. Hamilton. The early books in the series were action packed very tightly plotted little mystery books. Rather violent, but you would expect that in books about a vampire hunter. The first one was the aptly titled Guilty Pleasures. Unfortunately, the books really changed direction to being very loosely plotted and being filled with sort of ooky sex that often involved pain and blood. I do not know if I want to read anymore after the rather awful Incubus Dreams, though the last book, a little novella called Micah, at least had a plot again, though once again the sex was a bit icky.

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