Thursday, August 26, 2004

Slept like a rock last night, needless to say. Cleaned the house, then went to work.

The soccer field is really coming along. When Bill was a freshman it was only a fenced in soccer field. That first season the parents got together their money and building skills and put together a very nice two story shed. It is for storage, and they use the balcony to film the games. It also displays the electric scoreboard. The second season they added little covered benches so the players can sit out of the rain and snow. They also have shelves and lots of hooks so that there is plenty of storage for gear bags and hoodies. This year they added a concessions building, which is very nice.  The boys play soccer in the fall, the girls in the spring...

Bill played well, got an assist, and did his usual of knocking opponents flying...he's on junior varsity again ths year, along with nearly all of the other juniors. That group was j.v. as freshmen...last year they were j.v. as sophomores...this year the coach made the seniors and sophomores the varsity team, and the poor juniors get to be j.v. one more year. I think its because the coach's son is a junior, and he is bending over backwards to not show favoritism to his own child. Last year the j.v. team had a better record than the varsity team, and they looked a lot better yesterday...

Should be a busy weekend. Friday is the home football opener, and I know the kids will want to go. Saturday Bill has a soccer game at Lincoln High School...and I really want to find time and weather to weed the garden...and plant some tulip bulbs for the squirrels to eat.


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