Monday, September 10, 2007

dead Jeep, lots of housework

Dan had wanted to jump start the Jeep yesterday and drive it to the dealer, with me following in the truck. He was then going to drop me off at work, picking me up at midnight.

We were unable to jump the Jeep, so he just dropped me off and picked me up work.

He got the Jeep towed to a dealer this morning, and supposedly it might be as simple as needing a battery. We will find out soon...

Lots of housework today. I sorted out several loads of clothes, and am about to go put them away. And I cleaned up all of the dog poop all over the floor, which is a daily task anymore...though it never becomes less disgusting.

I threw up yesterday before work. I think it was because of stress over the Jeep and other things. But I seem to be fine so far today...

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