Tuesday, August 2, 2005

Well, I'm back from the first part of my vacation. We went camping at Harrisville State Park on Lake Huron for the past few days.

It was lovely and peaceful, and I have a tan from lying on the beach and got a ton of reading done. :) If I find time in the next couple of days, maybe I'll make talk a bit about the books I read. One of them was a super-fun science fiction anthology. :)

No cell phone reception up there, though. So when I got home and turned my cell back on, I found a bunch of messages from Fist and Danlo. They both sounds pretty excited about the get-together this weekend in New York! :)

Two days and we'll be on our way to New York to meet up with Fisty and Danlo and DLB! :)

Lots of things to get done before then, though (like laundry and packing -- and I need to pack slightly nicer clothes for New York than I do for camping ;) ) so I probably won't be around much in the meantime.

If I have time between paying bills and running errands and laudry and packing, I will get a bit more in depth about our camping trip.

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