Tuesday, November 20, 2007

work all day, work all night...

I have been working ever since breakfast here at home. I sorted and folded and put away five loads of laundry. I do not mind washing and drying the clothes, or even sorting them out, but for whatever reason, putting them away has always irritated me. Yes, I know that is probably weird! But it is just the way I am, and I cannot seem to help it.

Then I get to go in and work at work tonight.

Sometimes you just cannot win.  ;-)

Work was grim and sad last night. I work with this great guy, and have for over fifteen years now. He and his wife have a beloved daughter. They wanted to have a large family, but they were only able to have one child. Well, she has been married for awhile, and my friend and his wife were ecstatic when their daughter became pregnant. Since her husband is also an only child, his parents were also beside themselves with joy. Well, the baby was recently lost. Oh, that baby is so mourned by so many!

Last night I did what I had promised myself I would do whenever I get too stressed out. I seduced my husband. Take that creepy coworkers! Make me listen to constant whining and complaining and anger every single flipping day, and you still cannot ruin my life! Take that Mr. Grinch! Come popping into my life to be mean every few months like a demented jack-in-the-box and you still cannot take away laughter and joy! Take that death! I will answer you with life!

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