Tuesday, November 13, 2007

getting caught up with the last few days

I'm tired and, as always right after Bill goes back to school, a little down...

This weekend we had a joint celebration of both sons' birthdays. Steven turned 15 and Bill will be turning 19 later this week. So Bill came home for the weekend. The kids played video games a lot, and Dan and I worked on cleaning the house. Homemade food, plus cake and ice cream, lots of smiles - good weekend.

I was off from work today for Veterans' Day, so took the Jeep in to the dealer for its oil change, and met Dan for lunch in Ann Arbor. We had a tasty meal at a little Mexican restaurant we have not previously eaten at. The food and service were both very good, and the meal cost under ten dollars for both of us put together, which is a great price for Ann Arbor.

I am rarely home during midweek evenings, so Dan made one of my favorite dinners tonight - meatloaf and mashed potatoes. It was very nice of him to do that for me. I think he knows that I am feeling a bit blue.

This week will be strange.  I worked on Sunday, was home for Monday, will work Tuesday, then be off until next Monday. I had taken a long weekend to go visit Bill down in Indiana, but I cannot do that because the dog cannot be left alone all day. Or boarded. Or left with a pet sitter. He is just too old and incontinent and feeble. So Dan will be able to use my Jeep while he gets his truck worked on, and I will do a lot of cleaning. Yuck.



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