Tuesday, June 19, 2007

still busy

We are still very busy.

We did take time out last weekend to celebrate Father's Day.

On Saturday afternoon we went to a very nice party on the acreage of a family we know. They have a pond in a meadow surrounded by a forest. The pond was great for swimming, and they have a picnic shelter in the meadow, and had a barbecue going. It was relaxing and fun.

On Sunday the kids cooked a nice breakfast for their daddy.

One of Dan's stepbrothers has been hospitalized and is in very rough shape. We have been praying and hoping very hard that he will be doing better soon. He has been in intensive care since last Thursday. I not only feel awful for him, but for his wife and children as well.  His poor wife sounds frantic (and she has every reason and right to be!)

We are probably going to be canceling our vacation. It was to be at the end of this month and the first week of July. We have camping reservations at Muskegon State Park, right on Lake Michigan.

The dog is just not physically up to being boarded a kennel, and there is no way in the world that he would be able to get in and out of the camper.  I suppose we could try to get a pet sitter, but they are expensive. And with his incontinence problems, I do not even want to know how bad the house would be if we left him with a pet sitter who would only drop by a couple of times a day.

Since we have so many things that have to be done in the house and in the yard, we might just cancel our reservations and stay home to get our "honey dew" lists completed.

And yes, that is depressing - and when you throw in so many bad things happening to people we know lately, it is enough to make me want to cry whenever I think about this stuff too long.

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