Monday, June 25, 2007

getting caught up

The most important news is that Dan's stepbrother sounds like he is doing better. He has fought off the massive infections, and had brain surgery on Thursday and came out of it OK. Hopefully he will continue to improve!

I had  another slip and fall at work and banged up my bad knee again. It is really sore and bruised. I am hoping once some of the swelling and bruising goes down, I will not need physical therapy again and that everything will be all right.

I took Steven to a massage therapist in Saline over the weekend. His shins have been very sore for a couple of weeks now (ever since he had those five soccer games in three days). She worked on his lower legs for an hour, and it seemed to help immensely!

This morning he left for wrestling camp, and I hope he has a great time!


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