Monday, December 15, 2008

wind storm

Sure enough, yesterday afternoon I picked up Dan's intestinal bug. I ended up falling asleep for hours in between running to the bathroom. Then I woke up in the middle of the night and could not fall back to sleep for a while.

I sat in the family room with a new book, and listened to the wind blowing like a freight train. Holy crap, it was strong. I am really glad it was not a bit colder, because then it would have come with snow rather than rain and would have been a full scale blizzard.

It made me very grateful that I have a snug house with tight windows. In our old house with its old windows we would have been really cold and drafty all night. Not to mention being grateful we have been able to keep up with the house payments in this horrible economy, which is so much more than a lot of people have.

Yeah, it sucks to be sick. It sucks to have had an undiagnosed medical condition for years which has made me feel like crap for years. It sucks to have a really stressful bad job.

But I have a warm house in a nasty winter storm.

They finally found what is wrong with me, so maybe I can eventually start to feel better after treatment.

And my job sucks, but at least I have one.

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