Wednesday, December 31, 2008

this time next week

At this time next week, I will have had half of my thyroid testing done, with the radioactive x-ray yet to go the following day. But it means they will be well on the way to finding out what is wrong with me, and why I am so sick and tired all of the time.

I cannot wait for them to come up with a firm diagnosis, and to start treatment.

Over the past year especially, it is like my life has been slipping away. All I have energy to do is work; no housework, very little fun. If someone cannot drive me, I do not go. Poor Dan has been trying to have a day in Frankenmuth for months, but I just cannot go due to lack of energy. On my days off from work, sleeping, vegging, reading. No energy for anything else. And let us not even talk about the diarrhea or the stress and the rest of it.

I am ready to take my life back.

Tonight we are having a bit of snow mixed in with a lot of freezing rain. I am glad it held off until I was nearly done with work for the storm to start; the roads already suck because of the ice.

Tomorrow is New Year's Eve. I do not usually celebrate because of work. But I am off for New year's day and cannot wait to watch my beloved Red Wings playing outdoors at Wrigley Field on TV.

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