Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Yesterday Dan's truck was down, so he asked if he could borrow my Jeep. I said sure, as long as he or Bill could take me to work and bring me home from work. Well, when he took me to work he looked exhausted, so I expressed concern about his ability to pick me up. He said he would keep his cell phone with him to wake him up.

So late last night at work, when a lady I work with offered me a ride home, I started to try to call his cell. No answer. As the night went on, I kept trying to call his cell once an hour or so. No answer. I had to turn the lady's offer down, as I couldn't get a hold of him. My shift ends, no husband, no ride home, still not answering his phone. I finally started calling the children's cell phones about fifteen minutes after midnight - and Dan answered. He had fallen asleep fully clothed on the floor watching television and had heard Bill's cell phone ringing, but not his own.

So he finally shows up to pick me up, forty minutes late, and just as a skunk had come out of the bushes and was heading my way up the hospital driveway. When it saw the Jeep coming up the driveway, it ran like heck back into the bushes.

It was chilly - a bit above freezing - so I was cold, even though I had on a coat and gloves.He was so tired looking I asked if I could drive, and I headed right to the IHOP, which is open overnight on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. It is the only IHOP I know in this area, and I was really really happy when it opened up a few months ago just a few miles up the road.

So I had cup after cup of hot chocolate, wrapping my hands around the mugs to get them warm. I also had some pancakes, and bought Dan some breakfast, too, and he looked like he felt a lot better after he had some caffeine and some food.

So it was a few minutes short of 2AM and we are just pulling back onto the road to head home, and my cell phone started ringing off the hook.It was Bill, freaking out because he had woken up (we have taken turns being sick all week, and it was his turn this time) and his parents were not in the house, the lights were on, and the television was still on.So even when your child is two weeks short of turning twenty, you are still not allowed to have a private life.

And that has how my day began.

other highlights:
baking a cake for Halloween
baking some cookies for Halloween
waking up Bill from a sound sleep so we could drive to Saline and bring back his father's truck (and I got to pay the $500 for the repairs to get it back )
handing out candy to any trick or treaters (that part I will love- I adore seeing little kids in their costumes, so cute )
making tacos for dinner tonight
finishing up Zelazny's Lord of Light
watching Nightmare Before Christmas & Van Helsing

All in all, even with the weird start, it was a decent Halloween - and the weather was glorious - warm and sunny!

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