Sunday, October 12, 2008

a surprise date

Dan took me out on a surprise date back in August, a week after i had the colonoscopy. He refused to tell me what we were doing, so it was a wonderful shock and surprise when we ended up at a Spa in Ypsilanti for a couple's night featuring a long soak in a hot tub and aromatherapy massages. We then went out to dinner for Mexican food, and everything was grand.

Tonight he took me out on a mystery date again, but it was completely different. I freaked out when I saw the $100/person tickets - but he reassured me that they had been gifts (thank God - there is no way we could afford it otherwise right now). They were for a dinner and a night of gambling to raise money for the sports programs at our school district.

The food was good - especially the dessert bar. And there was gambling, which I am not into. There was an auction, though I had no money to bid on anything. There was a lot of alcohol, and I am not a drinker. As the night went on, it got louder and louder and louder. I slipped outside a lot, and also went to the basement quite a bit to watch the Red Wings on the television.

While I appreciate the thought and the gift, the whole thing gave me a headache, to be honest.

I much preferred the Spa!

Today we are heading out to the UM Botanical gardens up in Dixboro, as well as grocery shopping. I am taking my camera, as it is a perfect autumn day - wonderful for walk in the woods!

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