Sunday, October 26, 2008

winter is coming

After a beautiful fall, there can be no question that winter is on the way. We have wind warnings out for tomorrow, and one of the local forecasts predicted a winter mix of rain and snow for Monday.

I love the autumn, and am not ready for winter and snow quite yet.

In addition, Steven picked up some stomach bug at school, and we have all been taking turns being sick. Today was my turn. On top of being sick, the Blue Angels kept flying over our house at a low altitude over and over again in preparation for flying over the football stadium in Ann Arbor. Usually I love stuff like that, but they really made my head hurt.

I was also bummed because our local ABC affiliate chose to show a meaningless MAC football game rather than the first half of the Breeder's Cup races today.

So let's see...spent my two days off in a house cleaning orgy (though Bill was a gift from God during the entire unpleasant process), winter is closing in, I was sick, the fighter jets made my headache worse, and area horse racing fans got royally shafted today. And yes - I am horrifyingly grouchy.

On the other hand, I love my children, unlike so many poor souls I still have a house to clean, and our furnace is in good working order to fend off the cold. And the cats are soft and they purr, and they comfort me. And while Michigan lost, so did Ohio State - and that is always a cause for joy! And esptire a stumbling start to their season, the Wings are now playing quite well.

So there are good things in life still.

i just want to feel better, kick the fever, and come back to my normal steady state.

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