Monday, July 11, 2005

Well, I watched Sideways this morning, and that's two hours of my life I wish I could get back. :box

The acting was very good, the setting, the editing, all very good. Very well made and produced movie.

But I absolutely hated the story, about a middle aged, self-absorbed, shallow, and selfish man, who casually and cruelly uses other people for his own entertainment. And his buddy, a depressed drunk who knows his friend is being bad, but enables him anyway. :gag :gag :gag

While I did get a guilty chuckle out of a few scenes, I actually felt bad about laughing, given the subject material. :(

I guess I just prefer silly comedies like Bowfinger, where you laugh with the characters rather than at them.

And only fourteen more work shifts to go before my vacation!!   

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