Thursday, April 23, 2009


I checked the weather forecast for New York last night, and it will be sunny and near ninety all weekend! So today I repacked my whole big duffle bag. But because I could take out the jeans and substitute shorts and take out the extra sweaters and such, it is now half the size it was. YAY! All we have to do is pack our medicines and cell phone chargers in the morning, and we will be all set to leave as soon as Dan can drag my tired afternoon shift worker butt out of bed!

Man, am I glad that the work week will be finished tonight. All of my coworkers have been behaving very badly this week - each one taking a turn to have a childish tantrum on a different night. I hope I can endure one more night of this crappy behavior - and knowing that I can leave a bit early and then have a four day weekend at the end of it will hugely help!

I probably will not around until next week, as I work tonight and then we will be leaving for the four day trip early in the morning.

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