Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Eve

Today was a quiet and peaceful day at home. I curled up in bed with a good book by Georgette Heyer, and the kids popped in occasionally for hugs.

Work was busier than last night, and I ended up staying for the whole eight hours of my shift. I had hoped to leave an hour or so early again, but what can you do?

Driving home was bad. There was a freezing drizzle, most unpleasant. I made it home safely, though, and hopefully so will everyone else out on the roads tonight!

Tomorrow Dan and I can both be home. I hope to have a quiet day, including a long hot bubble bath! I got the kids the new Harry Potter movie on DVD (Order of the Phoenix)  and I am sure we will watching that at some point as well.

I read a wonderful and heart warming book called Three Cups of Tea , about an American nurse who has built more than fifty schools for children in the mountainous border areas of Pakistan and Afghanistan. I have passed it on to Bill to read. For more about the organization which builds these schools (and clinics and clean water systems for these remote villages) go visit http://www.threecupsoftea.com

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