Thursday, December 25, 2003

Merry Christmas! Always one of the best days of the year, to see those happy faces of my sons next to that tree!:-)
I am particularly looking forward to seeing Steven play with his talking Gollum action figure, and see Bill play a game with his Lord of the Rings chess set.:-)
I am finally starting to feel a bit better after being sick for over a week with a bad sinus infection and asthma...was able to go into work tonight, which pleases me. I am blessed in the people I work with -- and actually like my job.:-)

I am happy, I am listening to some wonderful Christmas music, Ottmar Liebart's Chrsitmas * Santa Fe, soft Spanish guitar music from New Mexico:-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, my job actually isn't the greatest, but I really do love most of the people I work with. :) And I enjoy working for the Veteran's Hospital. Many of the patients remind me of my father, whom I do not get to see anywhere nearly often enough. :( And where else can you spend everyday surrounded by genuine heros? :)