Sunday, February 8, 2009

it is trying to be spring

It has actually been above freezing for three days in a row - and that is saying a lot this winter, as it has been bitterly cold and very snowy. The snow is trying to melt now, which should help with the furniture delivery on Friday.

I cannot remember if I ever posted about the new furniture or not. The last couple of months are all sort of a blur in my head what with the thyroid thing and all. Anyway, we have had the same living room furniture for more than fifteen, and possibly as many as twenty years. It has more or less survived cats, a large dog, and two rambunctious sons and their friends. Needless to say, it is literally falling apart now - to the point where the wooden frame has come out of the back and poked holes in the walls.

So Dan and I ordered new furniture for our wedding anniversary in late December. I must have sat on 20-30 couches and found one with great lower back support that was very comfortable. So we ordered a reclining sofa, reclining chair, and reclining love seat. They will all be in a dark chocolate brown. They are made by La-Z-Boy right here in Michigan, so we are supporting our local economy while buying much needed furniture.

The chair and the sofa will go in the living room and the love seat will go in the front room, where we have never actually had furniture other than a china hutch and book cases, as we could not afford to buy new furniture when we moved into the house. It will be lovely having the reclining love seat there. We can relax and listen to music, sit in front of the gas fireplace, and watch the snow falling outside through the picture window. I cannot wait until it comes on Friday.

On last Friday I went in and got blood drawn at the hospital for my Tuesday appointment with the next specialist for my thyroid.

This year I added the kids to my vision insurance just for the hell of it, since it did not cost much. It turned out that they both needed glasses, so this was a very good decision.

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