Monday, July 6, 2009

and more work

Dan and Steven spent Sunday out of the house, working for money, while Bill and I stayed home and just worked.

We popped up the camper and scrubbed it down on both the interior and exterior. It has not been used for nearly three years - we could not take vacations between me being so sick and the poor elderly dog being so feeble and incontinent - and man, did it ever smell musty and bad. We left it popped up overnight, and will leave it popped up to continue to air out until we leave on Friday or it rains, whichever comes first.

We also spent hours weeding the garden and the flower beds.

We got a lot done over the weekend!

I also kept getting so tired that each day I basiclly collapsed from exhaustion each afternoon and slept for at least a couple of hours. And at bedtime on Saturday night I was so tired I was literally staggering around the house as if I was drunk and couldn;t think straight. This worries me, as it indicates that my synthroid dose is still not right.

I drank the radiation in January - and while I do feel better - it is a relief not to be shaking from anxiety, having heart palpitations, and having daily diarrhea from the hyperthyroidism - I am not feeling as good as I had hoped I would at this point in my treatment, and I am still showing signs of hypothyroidism.

I keep reminding myself that it took them years to correctly diagnose the problem, and those were years when I got completely worn out physically - and that it might take me more than a few months to really start to feel better.

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