Wednesday, December 31, 2008
this time next week
I cannot wait for them to come up with a firm diagnosis, and to start treatment.
Over the past year especially, it is like my life has been slipping away. All I have energy to do is work; no housework, very little fun. If someone cannot drive me, I do not go. Poor Dan has been trying to have a day in Frankenmuth for months, but I just cannot go due to lack of energy. On my days off from work, sleeping, vegging, reading. No energy for anything else. And let us not even talk about the diarrhea or the stress and the rest of it.
I am ready to take my life back.
Tonight we are having a bit of snow mixed in with a lot of freezing rain. I am glad it held off until I was nearly done with work for the storm to start; the roads already suck because of the ice.
Tomorrow is New Year's Eve. I do not usually celebrate because of work. But I am off for New year's day and cannot wait to watch my beloved Red Wings playing outdoors at Wrigley Field on TV.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Neither one of us was feeling particularly well - he had a nasty cold, and I was exhausted (as I so often am due to the problem with my thyroid), so we scrapped our plans to spend the day in Frankenmuth.
Instead we went to breakfast at IHOP (International House of Pancakes), then went shopping for furniture (our living room furniture is well over twenty years old, and is so worn out that the frames are poking holes in the walls), then went to an early dinner/late lunch at a really nice restaurant in Ann Arbor called Mediterraneo, which has fusion food from all of the countries that border that particular sea.
We got a reclining chair, reclining sofa, and reclining love seat, all from La-Z-Boy, which is made in an adjoining county. So we helped our community with our purchase. The furniture is of high quality and has great lower back support. All three pieces are a deep chocolate brown. We have been saving our money, knowing we needed furniture, so we bought them in cash. They were very cheap, as they were on deep sale due to the terrible economy. They should be delivered in late January.
Today I picked up Dan's nasty cold, and my head is all stuffed up. I called in sick to work and have been in bed reading most of the day. Hot tea has helped, as has Mexican hot chocolate. The hot beverages seem to be helping to break up the goo in my sinuses.
In the morning we had a yummy breakfast, followed by gifts, followed by naps, followed by an early dinner before I went in to work second shift.
Family time is precious, and I am so glad that we had a beautiful and peaceful day together!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
wintertime is here
We had a small storm, a big storm with about 8-10 inches of snow last Friday, a couple of one inchers, and then today we had a few inches and are now having freezing rain on top of that. The roads were terrible driving home from work tonight. It took me over an hour and there were people in ditches.
I am really tense from the drive and hope I can fall asleep.
I actually would not mind the snow as long as I did not have to drive in it. But, of course, since I am one of the lucky ones (and I mean that sincerely) and have a job, I do have to drive in it. Thank God for four wheel drive on nights like this!
I hope this does not mess up the holiday travel plans for people, and that the roads will be better tomorrow for Christmas Eve.
I have been very tired, as usual. It so often seems that literally I only have just enough energy to make it through work, and nothing left for home or personal time (I always try to make time for Dan and the kids, but the housework really goes to hell as a result).
I really hope next month when they do all of those thyroid tests, they can figure out what exactly is wrong with me, so I can have more energy and feel better.
Steven has been going regularly to the chiropractor. His headaches are better, but he is also out of school (his holiday break came a day early with the big snow storm last Friday) and that might help, too. I took him into the chiropractor today on the bad roads (snow only at that point) and he did not even need an adjustment. We stopped off at the bakery in Saline on the way home and got cookies. We both really enjoyed that!
Dan got the water heater fixed, and being able to take hot showers and wash my hair with hot water has been a true blessing.
Tonight I took my quesadilla maker into work with a bunch of tortillas, bags of shredded cheese, and cans of refried beans and diced green chiles and sliced jalpenos. For my holiday gift to my coworkers I provided the ways and materials for a delicious hot dinner. They all seemed to really enjoy it.
I get to work Christmas Eve, Christmas, and the night of New Year's Eve this year. At least I have a job!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
no hot water!
Of course this happened on a night when I am very sore and was fantasizing about a hot shower all night long!
I can sponge bathe my body, but am still trying to figure out how to wash my long hair.
With the bad storm due in tomorrow night - with six inches of snow as well as a bunch of ice and slush - I just hope we can keep the power on. Without power we have no running water, as we have a well.
Then washing my hair will be an even bigger problem! LOL!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
it's a marshmallow world in the winter!
Today was warmer, and the snow made everything look so beautiful, even though it was cloudy!
Now tomorrow night we are due to have a much worse storm, with a lot of freezing rain, slush, and six inches of snow. Now that is one storm I am not looking forward to driving home in!
Only a week and a bit until Christmas - I am pretty much done other than wrapping gifts and picking up a few odds and ends for people at work (like Bob's Christmas beer).
Monday, December 15, 2008
wind storm
I sat in the family room with a new book, and listened to the wind blowing like a freight train. Holy crap, it was strong. I am really glad it was not a bit colder, because then it would have come with snow rather than rain and would have been a full scale blizzard.
It made me very grateful that I have a snug house with tight windows. In our old house with its old windows we would have been really cold and drafty all night. Not to mention being grateful we have been able to keep up with the house payments in this horrible economy, which is so much more than a lot of people have.
Yeah, it sucks to be sick. It sucks to have had an undiagnosed medical condition for years which has made me feel like crap for years. It sucks to have a really stressful bad job.
But I have a warm house in a nasty winter storm.
They finally found what is wrong with me, so maybe I can eventually start to feel better after treatment.
And my job sucks, but at least I have one.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
my week off is nearly over
For myself I made the appointments for nuclear medicine and endocrinology for my thyroid. I will have two days of testing by the nuclear medicine department at UM Hospital in early January, and will see the endocrinologist in early February.
Steven's post concussion syndrome is back in full force, so this week he saw the neurologist again, and started getting chiropractic care for his neck.
Last night Dan was up all night with vomiting and diarrhea. I am expecting to start myself, as will not stay away from me, even when he is sick.
Lord knows I do not feel well and am very grouchy today.
I did most of the Christmas shopping and decorating done.
I slept as much as I could this week, so I am merely tired rather than exhausted.
I reread a big fat book by fantasy writer Steven Erikson.
I do not want to go back to work tomorrow.
Malazan Read at Ahira's Hangar for Midnight Tides Prologue Part 1 for Reaper's Gale Prologue Part 1 for Memories of Ice prologue part 1 for Memories of Ice prologue part 2 for Gardens of the Moon Prologue for Night of Knives Prologue part 1 for Night of Knives Prologue part 2 for Night of Knives chapter 1 for Night of Knives chapter 2 for Night of Knives chapter 3 for Night of Knives chapter 4 for Night of Knives chapter 5 for Night of Knives chapter 6 for Night of Knives epilogue forBlood Follows
No one has done Lee of Laughter's End yet... forThe Healthy Dead for Midnight Tides Prologue part 2 for Gardens of the Moon chapter 1 for Midnight Tides chapter one for Midnight Tides chapter 2 for Midnight Tides chapter 3 for Midnight Tides chapter 4 for Midnight Tides chapter 5 for Midnight tides chapter 6 for Midnight Tides chapter 7 for Midnight Tides chapter 8 for Midnight Tides chapter 9 for Midnight Tides chapter 10 for Midnight Tides chapter 11 for Midnight Tides chapter 12 for Midnight Tides chapter 13 for Midnight Tides chapter 14 for Midnight Tides chapter 15 Midnight Tides chapter 16 for Midnight Tides chapter 17 for Midnight Tides chapter 18 for Midnight Tides chapter 19 for Midnight Tides chapter 20 for Midnight Tides chapter 21 for Midnight Tides chapter 22 for Midnight Tides chapter 23 for Midnight Tides chapter 24 for Midnight Tides chapter 25 for Midnight Tides epilogue
Heh. I cannot seem to get the links to work, but you can copy and paste the URL's to get to the chapters. Or you can go to the Malazan forum at Ahira's Hangar.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
yes, it is a thyroid problem
So next week I get to sit around and wait for calls from the endocrinologists' offices at UM Hospital and from the clinic which will scan my thyroid gland.
Since Steven's post concussion syndrome came back with a vengeance when he started wrestling season, Dan and I will take him to a chiropractor and a neurologist on Tuesday.
The fun times on my week off continue to roll!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Grave's Disease?
Now hyperthyroidism causes symptoms that mimic extreme stress - mood swings, racing heart, the works.
Combine that with a lot of actual stress from work, and no wonder I have been such a stressed out mess.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
feeling better
I watched Helen Mirren in The Queen and it was a good little quiet and well made film. I can see why it was up for a bunch of Academy Awards. And she was first rate in her role.
Tomorrow I hope to go Christmas shopping. Dan could use some hand tools, so I will probably go to Sears fort those. Steven wants a game for his Wii, and so far Sam's Club has everyone else beat by $5, so I will probably go there for the game.
You could not pay me to go shopping on Black Friday; I have heard too many horror stories from friends who go. Today some poor Wal-Mart employee was freaking trampled to death by a mob out on Long Island. How can televisions on sale become more important than a human life?
Friday, November 28, 2008
best wine I've ever had
I wanted to keep a record of it so here we go:
Merryvale Starmont 2006 Chardonnay Napa Valley
it can be ordered at:
Thursday, November 27, 2008
thankfullness and wishes
I hate my job, but given this terrible economy, I am glad that I am working. And that I have benefits. And the ability to have a plentiful meal today - which is so much more than so many other people have right now.
I am thankful we can pay the bills, and keep up with the mortgage.
I am thankful for the Detroit Red Wings - one bright and shining thing for this area right now.
I wish the economy could be better. I wish everyone who wants a job with decent pay and benefits could have one. I wish all families could have a roof over their heads and three square meals a day. I wish all terrorists could find their humanity, and stop attacking the innocent. I wish people could stop prejudice against people for the color of their skin, they way they choose to worship God (or not worship at all, if that is their choice), what sort of genital they have, and what the people do with their genitals in private provided that they do no non consensual harm to others, and for what people weigh.
On a personal level, I wish for less stress in my life. And more time for myself, for activities like creative writing and photography.
India terror attacks
What a terrible crime; and a terrible tragedy for all of the victims and their families.
At least the Indian Americans I know all have families elsewhere in the country than Mombei. It is horrible just seeing the footage on the television and Internet; I cannot imagine how much worse it would be if I knew friends had family there.
(And I obviously cannot imagine how terrible it would be to be in that city right now, or to have people there).
How can people act in such ways? To attack a hospital for women and children? Every religion I am aware of is very protective to children in particular - especially the Muslim faith, if it does turn out that these particular terrorists are Muslims. If so, they have broken greatly with the teachings of their religion - and given how cosmopolitan Mombei is, they have probably killed plenty of innocent Muslim civilians (along with people of many other religions) in their attacks.
Horrible, just horrible.
sick for Thanksgiving
I rinsed out my mouth several times and brushed my teeth several times and rinsed out my mouth again.
My stomach felt upset, but I do not know if any glass actually got down in there, or if it got upset because I was so upset. And I did not know if it would be better to throw up or not, so I held it down, even though I felt like throwing up.
So I hoped for the best.
This afternoon I started having bloody diarrhea.
I do not know if it is from possible glass, or just stress diarrhea over how bad work has been combined with stress from finding broken glass in my food. It was the first time I have gone since eating that meal, so I suppose either or both is possible.
Not fun.
Monday, November 24, 2008
snowy day
No sign of any road clearing equipment yet. It looks pretty slippery out there, and the cars are driving very slowly.
With the economic problems in this area, they will not be doing as much road clearing this year. They had a huge article on the front page of the local paper a couple of weeks back saying they do not have enough money to pay for salt or man power for proper road clearing.
It makes me very glad that I have four wheel drive - though even that does nothing on icy roads.
Of all days, I have to go into work early today. They are making everyone in my department go through civility training. Which is fine and good, and I really hope that it works! But it will not address management at all, so far as I know, and that is also a part of the problems of the poisonous atmosphere.
Ah well.
rough at work lately
And with today's terrible economy, I cannot walk away from a job with full benefits, no matter how poisonous that job is.
Sometimes life sucks, or parts of life can suck, and my work life sucks royally right now.
On the other hand, Dan has been very kind and supportive, and has been trying to spend time with me, as he knows that cheers me up. Friday we went to one of my favorite places to eat, The Earle in Ann Arbor - a romantic place with great food and live jazz. And on my off week he took me to the Quarter Bistro in Ann Arbor, where we had the best wine I have ever had and good food.
The children are, as always, a light and delight in my life. I cannot even express how much I love them, there are simply not words that strong.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
A big thank you to Veterans
I would especially like to thank the courageous men and women who served in World War II. You literally saved the world - not just for the Allied countries, but for each and every one of us, in all countries. You saved the people in Germany and Japan just as much as you saved the people in Canada, America, and England. Without you, the monsters would have won. Thank you. There are literally no words of thanks strong enough to express the gratitude I feel towards you.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Saline Craft Fair
Some of the many marvelous things we saw:
handwoven Amish rugs
antique china or silver teapots turned into beautiful lamps
old wine bottles turned into lamps
hand sewn silk kimonos for children
all sorts of pottery and glass work
gorgeous quilts
first snow
We are making homemade beef and barley and vegetable soup for dinner. I love barley soup, and this will go very well with the cold weather. It will hot and hearty. We will have a loaf of Italian bread to go with it.
I am actually starting to plan out Thanksgiving dinner to take advantage of sales on baking ingredients and the like at the grocery store. I have to figure out which recipes to make, take inventory of what we already have, and then next weekend I will the the store and buy the ingredients. I am thinking bread (we should already have all of those ingredients, other than honey - I used the last of the honey up a couple of weeks ago), fudges (Dan and I both have a different favorite recipe), a couple of pies, a couple of different kinds of cookies, and a cherry-marshmallow-cake that the kids love. We will not pick up the turkey breast and main dinner stuff until closer to the holiday to save some room in the freezer.
Friday, November 7, 2008
NaNoWriMo short story part I
In all of his years in the military, and helping the police investigate violent crimes he had never imagined anything so bad; had never thought a human body could be shredded into little scraps, like a bit of newspaper ripped up for kindling - that those bits of human remains could be strewn about like the food and drink at a sangria party, staining the floor and walls of the cul-de-sac.For a long moment he thought he would vomit. He could feel a scalding sensation in the back of this throat and could taste the bile in his mouth. He could not help but give out a quiet moan of horror.
What could have done this? Who could have done this? How and why could this even happen?And then he snapped awake, as someone shook him. He found himself looking into the bright blue eyes of his wife, Viola. In her soft voice she quietly said, "It is time for you to tell me what you saw on your mission."
Hands shaking, he reached for a match and a cigar. He had seen that look in his wife's eyes before; he knew the quiet determination in her heart. He must tell her the story he had not entirely told anyone, but he needed a few moments to calm himself before he could even begin.
Finally, with a deep sigh, he began to tell Viola his story. He told her of the communication from the command, requesting his aid, even though he had been retired for some three years. Viola knew all of this, she had read the communiques herself, and advised him when they has arrived. But she waited patiently as he gathered this thoughts to continue his account.
He told her of the shipboard journey to the port between the mouths of the two great desert rivers, upon a distant sea. He told her of the boat that took him up one of the rivers to the ancient capitol, newly conquered by the Empire, and very uneasy. He told her of the chill of the desert night, the villages upon the shores, and the smell of the cooking fires of the heavily gowned and veiled women. He explained how the old temples to gods and goddesses unknown in the Empire shone in the moonlight upon the banks.
With a deeper sigh Sam told her of arriving at the city late at night, of being escorted to the officers' quarters, of being awoken at dawn with the news of another murder of an Empire soldier. Without even eating a meal in the city or being debriefed by the command, he was on his way to a native quarter of the city, where he found hell in an alley.
driving home, election night
Moon shines.
Stars shine.
Two large meteors flash overhead.
A mountain climbed.
A great man's Dream come true.
election day sunset
Shell pink, gray, salmon
The forested hills of the arboretum
Like an orange and red and bronze bonfire
Under that sky.
Moon rising.
Hearts rising
Hope rising.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
election day!!!
Even if we had had to wait outside, the weather is perfect here in Michigan today.Watching the news, states without early voting (like here in Michigan) have endless lines snaking out of buildings and into parking lots and streets. In Virginia they have these lines that look to have hundreds of people (if not thousands), standing outside waiting to get into their polling places, in a pouring rain.
The election workers at our precinct said that they had more than twice the number of voters this morning than they have ever had in a previous election at the same time of day.
I really hope that the new President and Congress - regardless of which party they represent - will expand early voting to the rest of the country so as to avoid the horrible lines braving horrible weather, as they are in Virginia this morning. Heck, here in Michigan it could have been heavy snow rather than heavy rain.
And is anyone else happy as heck that the endless negative political ads will be off of our televisions sometime tonight or tomorrow?
Monday, November 3, 2008
moving along
I have gone from two sacks of books read and unblogged down to one sack.
Today the weather is crazy. I was woken up by thunder, when the sky was not even very cloudy. then it started hailing and pouring rain - and the sky still wasn't even very cloudy.
It is supposed to clear up for Election Day tomorrow. We are supposed to have a perfect day - seventy and sunny.
Which is good. We do not have early voting in this state, other than absentee ballot, and you have to have a reason to vote absentee. So if there are long lines tomorrow, at least people will not have to stand outside in rain, hail, or snow.
I think that this is the first election in my lifetime where I have wanted to vote. In all of the other elections I have been voting against someone rather than for someone. Well, I am still voting against someone - the policies of George Bush which have so damaged the country. I am voting against Caribou Barbie, because no one that ignorant and that stupid should ever be close to nuclear bomb codes. While I still have great respect for McCain for his lifetime of service for the country, I am voting against his negative campaign and the Klan rally atmosphere at Republican rallies. But for the first time I am voting for someone - a man who calls for positive change, who calls for a coming together rather than the usual party divisiveness. A man who calls for hope in these dark times. Yes - I am voting for Barrack Obama, and I am so happy to be able to vote for someone so intelligent and articulate, who promises to bring my nation back to the path of sanity, a return to being a shining beacon of light and hope on a hill top. this election has given me hope for my beloved country for the first time in years.
I am voting tomorrow. Are you?
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Fall Back
I have one week before my next week off. So this week (in addition to going to work) my goal will be catching up with my book blog, so that on my week off I can concentrate on finishing/writing a couple of short stories for NaNoWriMo. I know I cannot do a novel length manuscript, but I have a partially written short horror story I would like to finish, and ideas for three more short stories.
Tonight will be the last night I can work with someone I have worked with for nearly twenty years. I am really depressed for myself, but delighted for her, as she will be transferring out to Tucson and getting a nice promotion. No more winter driving for her, and a cushy Monday through Friday day shift job and a good raise.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween!
So late last night at work, when a lady I work with offered me a ride home, I started to try to call his cell. No answer. As the night went on, I kept trying to call his cell once an hour or so. No answer. I had to turn the lady's offer down, as I couldn't get a hold of him. My shift ends, no husband, no ride home, still not answering his phone. I finally started calling the children's cell phones about fifteen minutes after midnight - and Dan answered. He had fallen asleep fully clothed on the floor watching television and had heard Bill's cell phone ringing, but not his own.
So he finally shows up to pick me up, forty minutes late, and just as a skunk had come out of the bushes and was heading my way up the hospital driveway. When it saw the Jeep coming up the driveway, it ran like heck back into the bushes.
It was chilly - a bit above freezing - so I was cold, even though I had on a coat and gloves.He was so tired looking I asked if I could drive, and I headed right to the IHOP, which is open overnight on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. It is the only IHOP I know in this area, and I was really really happy when it opened up a few months ago just a few miles up the road.
So I had cup after cup of hot chocolate, wrapping my hands around the mugs to get them warm. I also had some pancakes, and bought Dan some breakfast, too, and he looked like he felt a lot better after he had some caffeine and some food.
So it was a few minutes short of 2AM and we are just pulling back onto the road to head home, and my cell phone started ringing off the hook.It was Bill, freaking out because he had woken up (we have taken turns being sick all week, and it was his turn this time) and his parents were not in the house, the lights were on, and the television was still on.So even when your child is two weeks short of turning twenty, you are still not allowed to have a private life.
And that has how my day began.
other highlights:
baking a cake for Halloween
baking some cookies for Halloween
waking up Bill from a sound sleep so we could drive to Saline and bring back his father's truck (and I got to pay the $500 for the repairs to get it back )
handing out candy to any trick or treaters (that part I will love- I adore seeing little kids in their costumes, so cute )
making tacos for dinner tonight
finishing up Zelazny's Lord of Light
watching Nightmare Before Christmas & Van Helsing
All in all, even with the weird start, it was a decent Halloween - and the weather was glorious - warm and sunny!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
winter is coming
I love the autumn, and am not ready for winter and snow quite yet.
In addition, Steven picked up some stomach bug at school, and we have all been taking turns being sick. Today was my turn. On top of being sick, the Blue Angels kept flying over our house at a low altitude over and over again in preparation for flying over the football stadium in Ann Arbor. Usually I love stuff like that, but they really made my head hurt.
I was also bummed because our local ABC affiliate chose to show a meaningless MAC football game rather than the first half of the Breeder's Cup races today.
So let's see...spent my two days off in a house cleaning orgy (though Bill was a gift from God during the entire unpleasant process), winter is closing in, I was sick, the fighter jets made my headache worse, and area horse racing fans got royally shafted today. And yes - I am horrifyingly grouchy.
On the other hand, I love my children, unlike so many poor souls I still have a house to clean, and our furnace is in good working order to fend off the cold. And the cats are soft and they purr, and they comfort me. And while Michigan lost, so did Ohio State - and that is always a cause for joy! And esptire a stumbling start to their season, the Wings are now playing quite well.
So there are good things in life still.
i just want to feel better, kick the fever, and come back to my normal steady state.
Friday, October 17, 2008
soccer scrimmage
It was a chilly but beautiful afternoon, and it was fun to go see the game. the game was a lot more relaxed than a regular season game, and was mainly a chance for the kids to go out and have fun.
A creepy dad did sit next to me on the bleachers, and that kind of made my skin crawl, but I have never seen him before, and hopefully never will again, so hopefully it will be OK. He was just one of those guys that keep edging their thigh closer and closer to yours. Fun if it is your husband, gross from a stranger!
I have been loving my week off from work. I am very relaxed, and have been loving having so much extra time with my children. They are the most precious part of my life.
For the most part the weather has been gorgeous, but we have had a couple of rainy days. And it is cold enough tonight that we had to turn on the house furnace.
Tomorrow is my birthday. Another year gone by. I am glad that I can still find love and beauty in the world. It is worth living as long as I can still find those.
Monday, October 13, 2008
soccer afternoon
It was the first round of high school boys' soccer districts, and our team lost to Dexter 1-0.
Sad, but the sunset was gorgeous, the sky glowing with color and filled with formations of wild geese.
Then we came home and got to watch the Red Wings game on television as we ate a good home cooked dinner. the rice 7 bean burritos were great, and the Wings beat the Carolina Hurricanes 3-1.
Sometimes life is good.
Botanical Gardens
After, we went grocery shopping at Whole Foods and Sam's Club.
And went for another walk through the neighborhood, then sat next to a fire in the fire bowl in the backyard for a while after dark.
It was a quiet and romantic day, very enjoyable, though our bad knees now hate both of us.
Today we will go watch Steven and his team mates play in high school boys' soccer districts against Dexter. I am expecting a Dexter win - they have gone to states the last two years, winning states two years ago.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
a surprise date
Tonight he took me out on a mystery date again, but it was completely different. I freaked out when I saw the $100/person tickets - but he reassured me that they had been gifts (thank God - there is no way we could afford it otherwise right now). They were for a dinner and a night of gambling to raise money for the sports programs at our school district.
The food was good - especially the dessert bar. And there was gambling, which I am not into. There was an auction, though I had no money to bid on anything. There was a lot of alcohol, and I am not a drinker. As the night went on, it got louder and louder and louder. I slipped outside a lot, and also went to the basement quite a bit to watch the Red Wings on the television.
While I appreciate the thought and the gift, the whole thing gave me a headache, to be honest.
I much preferred the Spa!
Today we are heading out to the UM Botanical gardens up in Dixboro, as well as grocery shopping. I am taking my camera, as it is a perfect autumn day - wonderful for walk in the woods!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
gorgeous fall weather!
I have begun my week off from work with a bunch of housework. I have been busy with laundry, mopping the floor,and all sorts of stuff like that (though baking the chocolate chip bread was fun!)
Today there will be more housework, but I hope to get in a long walk and some time outside. Then maybe beginning tomorrow I can get some relaxation time in.
chocolate chip bread:
PREP TIME 10 Min COOK TIME 2 Hrs 50 Min READY IN 3 Hrs Original recipe yield 1 - 2 pound loaf INGREDIENTS (Nutrition)1/4 cup water 1 cup milk 1 egg 3 cups bread flour 3 tablespoons brown sugar 2 tablespoons white sugar 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 1/2 teaspoons active dry yeast 2 tablespoons margarine, softened 3/4 cup semisweet chocolate chips DIRECTIONSPlace ingredients in the pan of the bread machine in the order recommended by the manufacturer. Select 'Mix Bread' cycle or the setting that allows ingredients such as seeds or fruit to be folded into the dough; press Start. Add the chocolate chips at the signal, or about 5 minutes before the kneading cycle has finished. Remove loaf from pan to cool when bake cycle finishes.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Presidential election
this place is pretty nice
I just need to figure out how to add the feed from librarything. com and then I will be a very happy camper!
does this work?
If things are working correctly, I will have to take advantage of this week off to get caught up.
Monday, September 8, 2008
quiet morning
The rain did hold off, and I got to watch Steven play soccer on Friday afternoon. He is now a varsity starter on defense. he is very proud of that, and so am I.
Work was actually very quiet last night in a welcome change. I am hoping that will keep up for a few nights for a nice break.
Tags: Nim's Island
Friday, September 5, 2008
Work was busy and awful again the last couple of days. I hope I do not have to pay the price on my days off with frequent trips to the bathroom~!
Tomorrow, weather allowing, I will get to watch Steven playing soccer. I also plan on going grocery shopping. I am a lot more excited about the former than the latter.
We've been finally getting some rain after a month of drought. Today's rain consisted of the remnants of hurricane Gustav. I am so glad it was not another Katrina when it hit New Orleans...
I try not to follow politics other than to be a somewhat informed voter. I have always been a moderate independent voter, who has never belonged to a party - and who is very much turned off by both parties. But I am appalled that one of the vice presidential candidates has ties to a secessionist party. What in the name of God??? How could either of the main parties consider something like that to be at all appropriate? I thought I was cynical about politics and politicians beyond any possible shock. I expect all politicians to be corrupt liars of the first degree and hypocrites beyond measure. But to have someone with ties to a secessionist party possibly one heartbeat away from the Presidency? I was wrong about not being able to be shocked anymore. God save us all!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
kids are back in school
After all of that anticipation, I was sick as hell with stress diarrhea for most of the weekend (something which has been happening this morning as well). Work has been busy for the last few weeks, and stress is getting to me pretty hard.
Steven is back in high school as of yesterday, and today Bill started classes at Eastern Michigan University.
Tags: back to school
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
down to two shifts
Down to two shifts before the break from work. Thursday should be a doozy bad night, too, with the computers down for hours and being short pharmacists.
I have been spending my online time trying to get at least a little caught up with my book journal, and with the two group reads I am taking part in at Ahira's Hangar.
I know I need to talk about the Tigers game and my colonoscopy here...two icky topics.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
three more shifts
Three more work shifts and I will be free for three days.
Given how bad work has been the last couple of weeks, I hope I survive...
Tags: long weekend countdown
Monday, August 25, 2008
a very hot Saturday
Steven is on the high school's varsity soccer team this year, which is a great source of pride for him, as he is only a sophomore.
On Saturday there was a soccer tournament down in Bedford (which is down near the Ohio border). And it was a stunningly hot and humid and unpleasant day.
Dan and I packed a cooler with food and a lot of drinks, and drove down to sit in the searing hot sun and watch our younger son play soccer. (I did not allow Bill to go - he had had diarrhea on Friday, and I did not want to risk him getting even more dehydrated).
The kids held their own. they won the first game, got blown out by Bedford (the coach started the JV goalie, and he let in three goals in just a few minutes at the beginning of the game - they switched to the varsity goalie, and he only let in one goal for the entire rest of the game, so they would have been right in there if their primary goalie had played the whole game), and they went to two rounds of penalty kicks for the third game.
Did I mention it was hellishly hot? I felt so sorry for the players, the coaches, and the refs...
It was so hot Dan got the umbrella from the Jeep, and made me sit under it for the shade...
only 3 1/2 shifts to go...
...and I will have a most blessed three day weekend from work!
I've been busy, but will try to make a point of getting caught up here (and at my book journal) over the rest of the week!
Tags: long weekend countdown
Friday, July 25, 2008
Last night was just a terrible night at work. We had a call in and not much coverage for the sick person, which meant I had to literally do the work of two people. Throw in the hospital computers going down for three hours for scheduled maintenance, and it being the end of the week so I was worn out anyway...and it was just a terrible night.
I am paying the price today with stress diarrhea.
I had been planning on going to the University of Michigan Botanical Gardens today to experiment with the macro setting of my digital camera, but I do not want to get far away from a bathroom. Which is really too bad, as wandering amongst the flower gardens and greenhouses would have been really relaxing (which is exactly what I need today).
Hopefully I will feel better tomorrow for the Tigers game...
Tags: short handed at work
Monday, July 21, 2008
a bit under the weather
Dan, Bill, and I have all been a bit under the weather the last few days. Steven has thankfully been spared.
Given the turmoil in my guts I will let you imagine why I was running into the bathroom at work about every 15-20 minutes for awhile at work last night. YUCK!
Well, maybe the butt scope and finding out what is wrong might not be so bad after all? As long as they find something that is easily treatable?
It is supposed to storm all afternoon, but at least that should break the heat. We should go from the nineties to the much more normal and pleasant seventies once the storms come through.
Tags: sick
Friday, July 18, 2008
losing weight
When I had my checkup last month, they told me I had lost over thirty pounds since my checkup the year before. In fact, I think I have lost some more weight since then.
I think it is because of the problems with my guts.
Nevertheless, yesterday I wore a shirt I have not been able to wear since before I got pregnant with my younger son - who will be 16 this coming fall.
One good thing about bad guts, I guess!
Tags: losing weight
Monday, July 14, 2008
the dreaded butt scope! oh no!
I had to go to the ER with bloody diarrhea back in March; my butt has bled on a near daily basis since. When I went to the doctor for my yearly GYN exam in June I brought up the continuing butt issues. They cannot tell why my butt has been bleeding, and decided that I need an endoscopy.
Now I dread this thing. Dan hates tattoos, but if I were to ever get one, it would be of an "Exit Only" sign on my butt!
When I dropped Mr. Grinch as a friend a couple of years ago, I got stress diarrhea almost every day between February and December. I did not go to the doctor about it because I did not want a butt scope.
But it is time. Time to put on my big girl panties - er make that- time to take off my big girl panties - and have this done. My guts - and butt - have not been right for far too long and it is time to find out what is wrong.
The butt scope is scheduled for the first week in August. I will get a four day weekend out of it, but I sincerely doubt I will enjoy and part of it.
Amazon Vine
I got an email asking me to join the Amazon Vine program.
Apparently, it is a program where they give you an occasional free book or the like (it looks like the limit is one per month) as long as you agree to review it.
They give you a list of things to choose from, then mail you the item for free.
I do not think that you have to pick an item in months that you are busy or where nothing looks appealing to you.
I decided to give it a try and chose a book about a town in New Jersey that has a lot of championship Little League baseball teams. Since one of my own children does one of his sports on an elite national level (or at least he did as a middle schooler) I thought it would be interesting to see if other families/children in other sports would compare to some of the things we have done/seen over the years. I also thought that Dan would read that particular book.
So we will see how this goes...
Tags: Amazon Vine
the death of Sparty
When my father died, four years ago in January, we got his truck keys (and his truck). He had a little plastic Sparty (Michigan State mascot) doll on the key ring. The kids decided then and there to destroy the little thing.
On the return trip from Arkansas when we cleaned out his little house, we stopped at a ginormous fireworks place called Boomland to the south of greater St. Louis. We normally do not stop at places like that, but a friend begged me to pick up some fireworks for him that are illegal here in Michigan.
We picked up some small fireworks for ourselves.
The kids lost Sparty, and I have not felt up to having fireworks - until this year.
And I found Sparty in the bottom of the fireworks bag!
So we taped Sparty to the top of a stack of magic ropes, and lit them all at once.
Can you say toasted marshmallow????
Tags: the death of Sparty
Fourth of July weekend
The Fourth of July was on a Friday this year, which gave most people a three day weekend, though I only had my usual Friday and Saturday off. I am not complaining, though, as I got holiday pay (double time) for working Sunday!
We had had bad storms on a nearly daily basis working up to the holiday weekend, so it was a huge relief to have beautiful sunny weather for the weekend!
So we did yard work for three days!
Yes, I know - we are remarkably boring people!
We weeded and thinned out flower beds, and Dan built some stone retaining walls across a flower bed on a hill.
The work needed doing...but...
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Road Trip of Your Life
The Road Trip of Your Life |
You live a life of leisure. You take your time in every aspect of life and enjoy it to the fullest. You're willing to take a few risks in life. You may not take the road no one travels, but you're happy to take the road less traveled. You are able to find a fairly healthy balance between work and play. You work when you need to, but you never let yourself burn out. You could have owned an indie bookstore or boutique in another life. |
Tags: road trip of your life
Tigers vs. Rockies
A couple of weeks ago we went to Comerica Park on a rainy Saturday night to watch our beloved sucky team, the Detroit Tigers, play the defending national League champion Colorado Rockies. Well, they suck against AL teams, which is unfortunate as we belong to the AL, but usually rock against NL teams!
After a great meal at Cheli's Chili Bar, we found our infield box seats, and hoped like heck it would not storm! We were under a severe thunderstorm watch the entire night...
Justin Verlander was the starting pitcher that night. Something is going on with him this season, and no one seems to quite know what it is. The kid is still pitching well enough to win most of his starts - many of his losses have come when the team did not give him any run support, and he cannot be blamed for them. His record is much worse than his actual performance says it should be. All that said, something is still off with him. While he is letting very few runs score in the games he pitches, he is throwing way too many pitches, and usually cannot get beyond the sixth or at most seventh inning. The game we saw was one of those games. He did a good job in letting few runs in, but threw a ton of pitches.
And he should have been the winning pitcher - except that out closer, Todd Jones, blew the save.
Luckily, Cabrera actually earned some of his huge salary that night, and won it in the bottom of the ninth inning with a walk off hit for the Tigers.
Some highlights and lowlights:
Our former Dark Lord of the Sith, Jason Grilli, pitched for the Rockies for one lights out inning. He rarely pitched like that for our team - he was a terrible pitcher for us - and was roundly booed for his effort.
One of the people sitting in front of us works for the Rockies, and was wearing his NL championship ring. I have never seen such a huge hunk of precious metals and diamonds on a human hand in my life! LOL!!!!
The rain held off until the ninth inning, and the heavy rain held off until we were driving home on the freeway.
One of the fireworks misfired and slammed into the windows of the high cost luxury restaurant in the stadium!
cheli's chili bar
A couple of weeks ago, we went to a Detroit Tigers game at Comerica park.
We went to a restaurant we've been wanting to go to for quite a long time - Cheli's Chili Bar - which is right across a side street from the stadium.
The restaurant is owned by Chris Chelios of the Detroit Red Wings, and is a sports bar as well as a restaurant. Jerseys and banners of teams Chelios has played for hang from the walls and ceiling, including NHL All Star teams.
Now then, there is something very special about a great sports bar next to a great stadium. As an example of this, you can look at the Cubby Bear Lounge, right across the street from Wrigley Field in Chicago. I love the Cubby Bear! A simple menu of basic food, very well prepared, and it is wonderful to sit up on the second floor and watch the crowds gather at the stadium before the baseball game.
I was hoping Cheli's Chili Bar would be just such a place, and I was not disappointed. Great sports bar, with a menu of well prepared and simple bar food such as sandwiches and the like (the waffle fries might well be the best french fries I have ever had in my life), with a great view of Comerica Park and the gathering crowds near the stadium from the windows on the second floor.
Like the Cubby Bear, there can be quite a wait for a table before game time, so you want to get there early! We got to Cheli's about two hours before game time, and found an hour wait for a table. they took our cell phone number, and called us when the table was ready, so we could wander freely about the area of the stadium. We were finished eating and in our seats at Comerica just before the opening pitch of the game.
I highly recommend Cheli's Chili Bar before a baseball game at Comerica!
Tigers woes against non-NL teams continue
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
what sort of weather are you?
You Are Lightning |
People will stop and watch you when you appear Even though you're capable of random violence You are best known for: your power Your dominant state: performing |
I actually cannot imagine anything more opposite than what I am! LOL!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
a storm and a party
Today we had a huge thunderstorm. Heavy rain, high winds, and hail. I made the kids go down to the basement when the hail started, and they did go there, though neither was happy about it. I wasn't happy with having to go down there, either! But the storm cleared out and all was well.
I am very glad that while we have been having a very wet spring, we are not having a terrifying spring as they have in other parts of the Midwest, such as Iowa and Wisconsin. I feel so sorry for the people who have lost their homes and/or have had their lives turned upside down due to the floods.
Soon after the storm cleared out, Dan got home from work and we headed to a party. I love parties held at this particular place. The people have a property of 23 or so acres not too far out of town. The property is shaped like a piece of pie with the pointy end containing their house, and is right on the main road. It is heavily wooded, and they have a small and pretty lake in the back. There is a floating dock for the swimmers, a sandy volleyball court, horseshoe pits, and a covered picnic shelter. At least once a summer they have a big party for families with kids. The kids swim and play and the adults chill out in a beautiful natural setting.
A lot of the people had left by the time we got there due to the bad weather. But we ate, and sat under the picnic shelter, and relaxed, and enjoyed.
Tags: lake party
Sunday, June 15, 2008
sick day
The kids and I have been sick with what must be either bad allergies or a bad summer cold since late last week.
I ended up calling in sick today, as I just cannot shake this fever. Poor Bill is white as a sheet today and also running a fever; Steven is starting to feel a bit better.
Dan is enjoying Father's Day. The Tigers won; he watching golf on television now. And we had cinnamon buns with lots of gooey frosting for breakfast!
Tags: Father's Day
getting caught up a bit
I have been really bad about posting lately.
I'll admit that I have been really down and out since out old cat passed away on Mother's Day last month.
Some quick highlights:
Red Wings won the Stanley Cup! YAY!!!!
We have been to see two movies - Prince Caspian and Indiana Jones and enjoyed both greatly.
Dan has been working his butt off.
Bill is doing fine in the class he has been taking at the local community college.
Steven is done with school for the year and has been cleared by the neurologist to play soccer, but not wrestle. His MRI looked fine.
I am bored and burned out at work.
The weather has been crazy!!!
There - the quick low down, and I will try to be better about posting!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Stanley Cup Finals Game One
_________________ |
only three more wins needed for the Red Wings to win the Cup!
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Lament of a Life Long Tigers fan
If the starting pitching is good (a rare event!) the hitters cannot hit their way out of a wet paper bag. If the hitters are pounding the ball, the starting pitching sucks. On the extremely rare occasions when they can get hits and the starting pitching is good, the bull pen sucks. And very few of them can field worth a cup full of poop. We have lost games (such as last night's opener in Arizona) due to truly awful fielding and errors. And none of them seem to be either willing or able to play small ball - make sacrifices, try to beat out a grounder to first, steal bases, bunt, etc. Cap it off by a lot of questionable decisions by Leyland and this team just plain sucks.
A lot of Tigers teams have sucked over the years. Take the 2003 team - please! But I do not know when any Tigers team has infuriated me as much as this one. Now I wish I had not bought tickets and I have seen the Tigers most years going back to Tiger Stadium (I skipped some years around 2003, and who could blame me?). So not wanting to see them is a really big statement coming from me.
Holy crap they stink.
Thank God for the Red Wings!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Though they have lost their last two games...
Mahler's Ninth
WOW, was it ever wonderful to hear that music live!
The DSO is just awe inspiring whenever they play Mahler. They just pound their talent, hearts, and souls into it.
I peaked at their schedule for next year, and they will be performing Mahler's First under the baton of their new maestro.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Tigger passes away
I love pets, but their life spans are so short.
Tags: pet passes away
Friday, May 9, 2008
I think my elderly cat is about to die. He's not really eating or drinking today, and he is sleeping nearly constantly. In the last week his face has suddenly if he has gone from 80 to 90 in the course of a few days.
He has had a long and good life.
But I am upset for myself and Dan and especially the kids.
Tags: elderly pets
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
2008 Hugo Quest
The way the book was set up that there would be a third of a chapter with the annoying current day reality tv producer, then a third of a chapter with the boring guy in the future, and then a third of a chapter with the 1700's warrior priest. At least that way you got rewarded for making it through the first 2/3 of each chapter.
So this year's Hugo quest has been completed.
I hope next year's books will be more enjoyable.
The Chabon book was a lovely read, the Scalzi a ton of fun, one third of Brasyl was good, and the other 2/3 of that book, the Stross, and the Sawyer really did not do a whole lot for me.
I suppose my rankings would go:
1. Chabon's Yiddish Policeman's Union
2. Scalzi's The Last Colony
3. McDonald's Brasyl (and it got this high simply because of Father Quinn)
4. Stross's Halting State
5. Sawyer's Rollback
Those are obviously personal views, however, and I certainly do not claim to be any sort of great critic.
For finishing Brasyl I am now rewarding myself with the latest book in my favorite mystery series - Miracle at Speedy Motors, from theLady's No. 1 Detective Agency series. Great characters and a wonderful setting in Botswana.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Well, my weekly Monday stress diarrhea (which has been going on for at least three straight weeks now) has decided to stick around on through Tuesday this week. So I feel crappy and tired and grouchy today. I think I might have to go back to crackers and apple sauce for a couple of days. I hate having bad guts. I hate having a health professions job that stresses me out so much. Tonight I hate being a life long Detroit Tigers fan. God, they suck right now. Yet another shut out and yet another poor starting pitching performance. So much for the team all the talking heads predicted could score at will this season. They SUCK.
Bill has registered for a couple of classes at the local community college. The university he is transferring to requires a couple of 100 level classes that Ball State did not. So he will take them at the community college over the summer and save himself a boat load of greenies.
My goals this week:
Finish reading Brasyl - that book is my bane right now. I have been reading it for what feels like weeks, and I keep nodding off whenever I try to read it. I am down to the last 2/3 of the last chapter. I need to finish that puppy so I can go on to something I enjoy more.
Finish typing up my little reviews of books I have finished reading - there's only a couple, as I have been focusing on trying to finish Brasyl.
Plant the vegetable and herb garden after the dentist appointment on Friday, weather permitting. Just a few herbs and a couple of tomato and pepper plants, not a ton of stuff this year.
Mop down the basement with Lysol.
If I can get those things done, maybe I will actually have time to work on my little story I have been trying to type in over at Ahira's Hangar. I really want to be able to work on my story!
Sunday, May 4, 2008
a quick lesson in how to NEVER get published
how to enrage a literary agent
And yes, these people do have blogs, and do talk to each other.
Tags: psychotic writers
one last trip to Muncie and Ball State University
On Friday we drove down to Indiana through a series of strong thunderstorms with heavy rain. It was no fun at all.
Our object: moving Bill out of his dorm room at Ball State University and bringing him home. Because he will be transferring to a school closer to home, this will probably be the last time any of will ever visit Muncie or Ball State.
In a night and day contrast to last year, Bill was fully packed and well organized. All we had to do was carry his stuff down to the Jeep, sweep his room floor, and turn in his key.
If I had known that, I would not have reserved a room for the night at a local motel. And we had checked into the room before he went to the dorm. So, since we were stuck paying for the room no matter what, we decided to go ahead and spend the night in Muncie anyway.
We ate dinner at a popular local pizza place called Greek's. The pizza was good. bill sold back his textbooks.
In the morning we ate a quick breakfast in the motel lobby, then all drove home.
Dan and I (in the Jeep) decided to cut cross country on US 12 from Coldwater to Saline, rather than stay on the freeway. It was actually a pleasant drive, through the heart of the Irish hills, and passing many garden centers and antique stores. We had a pleasant drive! in fact, I want to head back out there someday to visit the cactus greenhouse that we saw.
We solved the dilemma of the dog by chaining him to the front of our little barb. We left one of the doors propped open, so he could enter and exit the barn at will. His warm dog bed was in the barn in a dry corner where no rain could penetrate. his water and food dishes were also in the barn.
I did not like that solution, but he is much too elderly and frail to board, we could not leave him in the house, we have no fence for your yard, and he is far too incontinent to take anywhere in a car, or keep in a motel room!
at least the Red Wings are playing well
The Detroit Red Wings played very well in the second round of the NHL play offs.
They swept our arch rivals of the last couple of decades, the Colorado Avalanche.
Man, that was sweet! I felt like someone handed me an entire Atlanta Cheesecake Co. Italian Cream Cake, and it was just for me, and that I wouldn't gain an ounce if I ate it.
I'm sure they will not do as well in the next round, so I am fully enjoying this!
Tags: Detroit Red Wings
the Tigers are driving me nuts this year
The Detroit Tigers are driving me nuts this year.
They have been so inconsistent.
This week they swept the Yankees in New York for the first time since 1966 and then they go to Minneapolis and get swept by the Twinkies. Obviously, it was a lot more important to beat up the Twinkies, as they are in our division. To make it worse, in this afternoon's game, they scored six runs in the first freaking inning, then phoned in for the rest of the game, and let the Twinkies come back and win the game 7-6.
I was a baby the last time they swept the Yankees in New York.
Objects of daily life that did not exist (or barely existed) in 1966:
pocket calculators
cell phones
debit cards
home computers
cable TV
satellite TV
microwave ovens
And then they turn around and let themselves be swept by the Twinkies?????
Tags: Detroit Tigers
Sunday, April 27, 2008
weekends end too soon!
Weekends always seem to end way too soon!
We were happy to watch the Tigers win over the very good Angels, and also see the Red Wings win their second round second game against our arch rivals the Colorado Avalanche.
Tonight I drove into Ann Arbor at midnight to take Steven to the midnight release of Mario Kart for the wii. We picked up the game, an extra wii wheel, the guide book, and a new guitar controller for Guitar Hero (the kids wore the buttons out on the old controller). I think he and his dad are fighting over the television upstairs right now. I'm glad I'm downstairs!
2007 Nebula Awards (awarded April 2008)
2007 Nebula Award Winners
Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America Presented the Nebula Awards® for 2007 at the Omni Austin Hotel Downtown in Austin, Texas on April 26, 2008.
Novel: The Yiddish Policemen's Union by Michael Chabon
Novella: "Fountain of Age" by Nancy Kress
Novelette: "The Merchant and the Alchemist's Gate" by Ted Chiang
Short Story: "Always" by Karen Joy Fowler
Script: Pan's Labyrinth by Guillermo del Toro
Other presentations included:
Andre Norton Award for Young Adult Science Fiction and Fantasy:
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J. K. Rowling
Damon Knight Grand Master for 2008: Michael Moorcock
SFWA Service Award: Melisa Michaels and Graham P. Collins
In addition Ardath Mayhar was honored throughout the weekend as Author Emeritus.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
quiet Friday at home
Poor Dan has been working midnights again this week, and he is exhausted. The restaurant remodeling is going well, though, and they are ahead of schedule. They have to remodel the restaurant late at night when it is closed.
I'm somewhat worn out, too, though obviously not as badly as Dan.
It was my day off, so I spent a quiet day at home, with laundry and rest. Tomorrow I will have to go grocery shopping. I have a ten dollars off coupon for Whole Foods that I refuse to let expire unused. I also have to stop off at Sam's Club.
We watched the Tigers game tonight, and were actually encouraged even though they lost. They lost a close low scoring game to a good team. It was a positive thing to see them be able to hang in there against a team as good as the Angels without having to score ten or more runs to be in the game.
After everyone else went to bed I watched the first disc of the TV series The Dresden Files. I thought I would give it a try because I love the series of books by Jim Butcher. Unfortunately, they seemed to miss the quirky humor of the books. It was OK, but no more than OK. I hope that HBO will do a better job with the Charlaine Harris Sookie Stackhouse books.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Tigers AND Red Wings win!!!!!!!!!!
The Tigers seem to be playing a lot better, though starting pitching seems to be pretty suspect (even Bonderman was struggling today). They actually swept a series against the Texas Rangers. We are no longer in last place in the AL!!!! YAY!!!!
And the Red Wings won the first game of their second round playoff series against our arch rivals, the Colorado Avalanche. Winning against the Avs is always sweet as cherry cheesecake.
All of the Tigers fans I know are furious at Joel Zumaya right now. So here is this young pitcher who is supposedly rehabbing from major shoulder surgery - and he is stupid and reckless and irresponsible enough to do some keg stands. That means he was hand standing on top of a beer keg guzzling beer. While binge drinking is dangerous, no one is furious about the beer. Everyone is angry enough to spit nails that this freaking idiot is supporting his considerable weight (and he's not a scrawny guy in any way) on his arms and shoulders. The pictures are all over the internet right now - and the tats on his arms have changed since spring training, so it is pretty clear that these are really fresh pictures. Zumaya is a moron! What a way to rehab your shoulder, dumbass!
This on top of driving from San Diego, California to Lakeland, Florida with his younger brother and their grandmother in 24 hours. Yeah, do the math!
This guy is a reckless, thoughtless, thrill seeking idiot.
I hope the Tigers wash their hands of him. No matter how many chances they give him, it's obvious that he is not mature enough to control himself, and that he will continue to harm himself through freak accidents.
And yes, he's young - but not that much younger than Verlander or Bonderman, who both act much more responsibly and professionally.
No excuses.